Welcome to our first new column! We’re sitting here with Febow, a normal dude who loves the ladies and whose celebrity doppelganger is one Mr. Tim Tebow. We’ve had some recent dating Q’s come in from our readers via Twitter and Facebook, and as we pondered our responses, a light bulb went off. Instead of offering the typical girl advice, we wanted to get a man’s take on why dudes act they way they do. In this first column, Febow covers time-wasting boyfriends, man-droughts in your neighborhood (why are all the good ones always taken?!), and trust issues post-cheating scandal. Take it away, Febow!
The Theory About Lists Growth and Love Over Time
11 Things Men Do That Women Find Attractive
The Big Fat Lie About Black Marriage
Why It Helps For Women To Have A Male Friend
She Just Needs To Kiss More Frogs
In Defense Of The Cheap And Lazy-Ass Date
Let’s Talk About Serial Monogamy
How To Be A Good Father in 1300 Words Or Less
Dear Febow: My friend has been dating this total loser for nearly three years. None of her friends like him! Is there anything I can say or do that can maybe help her get out of this unhealthy relationship and realize she deserves so much better? – Loserville Lovers
Febow says: First of all, I am really sorry to hear your friend is dating a loser. I’m assuming you never brought this to her attention, that he didn’t treat her well throughout their relationship. The first step is, if you haven’t mentioned this to her, you have to. I know it’s scary to approach your friend with this opinion because this can result in losing a friendship, but you have to say it to her in a very nice way. You have to let her know the things you like about this guy as well as the things you don’t like about him. Try to get her to agree to the pros and cons you feel about him. If she sees that you are saying both good AND bad things about him, she won’t take the bad things you say about him so personally. She may agree with you (you never know), but you have to try this approach to see how she honestly feels about him. Or if he, at all, makes her happy. If none of this works, you may have to find dirt on her boyfriend. I know this sounds a little sneaky, but the bottom line is sometimes your friend won’t know what wrong is being done to her until it’s right in her face. If all else fails, try to have some nights out with the girls and maybe drop hints about other nice, decent men out there so she realizes she CAN do better. Hey, after all, there are plenty of “Tebows” in the sea.
Dear Febow: I can’t find any decent guys worth dating in my town. They are all either too young and immature or older and still not sure what they’re doing with their lives. And then, of course, all the guys that are already taken. I’m tired of being single. What should I do? – Stranded in Singledom
Febow says: Sorry to hear these dumb guys out there don’t know what they’re missing! Get together with your girlfriends and start going out, let loose and try to have a good time. When I go out with my friends, all they’re trying to do is find a girl. I promise you there are men looking for a relationship—not all men at bars/clubs are the same. Definitely socialize. It doesn’t matter if Mr. Right is a week, month or year away. You have to first be happy before you get into a relationship. Now, you haven’t mentioned your age to me…that plays a huge role in some of the things you can do. If you’re young, don’t worry about settling down because trust me, you will regret it if you settle down too fast. If you’re a little older, might I suggest dating websites? They can be quite successful. If you’re looking for men who like long walks on the beach, I’m sure you can find plenty of them out there.
But all jokes aside, with the websites, you can specify exactly what you are looking for in a relationship. Some people don’t have enough time to go out when they have such a busy schedule, so with dating websites, you log on when it’s convenient for you. You can decide what you’re looking for while sitting at home on your couch in your pj’s instead of having to venture out in nice clothes and heels on countless dates with guys who aren’t right for you. Just try not to make looking for a relationship a job. You want it to be fun and exciting, not mundane and repetitive (like possibly some of the men you’ve encountered). Love will fall into your lap when you least expect it. Trust me.
Dear Febow: My last boyfriend cheated on me, and now I’m feeling too scared to get back out in the dating world. Any advice? – Hopeless Romantic with a Bruised Heart
Febow says: This is honestly a tough question to answer because it hits home. I know how you feel. I’m sorry your last relationship ended because of your immature, self-centered, bad-excuse-of-a-boyfriend. You didn’t specify how many times, if more than once, he cheated on you. Did he leave you for another girl? I’m going to assume that the relationship did not end well. Don’t be scared about getting back out there and dating. Most people experience this one way or another throughout their lives. When you finally get back to dating, try the ‘one foot in, one foot out the door’ approach. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, but try to have an open mind at the same time. Don’t always assume that every man cheats. There are many out there who do, but many who don’t. I’m a believer that everything happens for a reason. If you spend more time enjoying life, you won’t worry about its outcome. Just for now, try this: Live everyday like it’s your last—you only get one life to live and it surely shouldn’t be wasted worrying about this scum-bucket who clearly doesn’t realize what an amazing woman he just lost. The more time you spend dwelling on someone who ISN’T good for you, the longer you’ll be missing out on the one who is.
Like Tebow’s advice? Email, Tweet (#dearfebow) or Facebook us with your dating dilemmas and questions. Febow is ready to help you score a touchdown in the game of L-O-V-E.