So the discussion about women having a thug phase got me to thinking about the fact that people tend to have types.
Correction. We have what we think are our types and the folks that we actually end up with. I’ve come to the conclusion that normally the folks that we think we want and who we tend to end up don’t generally coincide. Like I said, for a time Esther Baxter look-a-likes were my type, but I can honestly say that I’ve yet to date a woman like Esther Baxter.
For shame.
Somebody hand me a shoulder to cry on.
*Liz handing me a shoulder*
Anyway, a while back somebody pointed me to this email with this “article” about relationship radars. Actually its more a question and advice column :
Q: I’m very concerned about my daughter. She is very strong and successful in many areas of her life except one. She keeps picking guys that are just no good for her. She even knows she does it and just can’t seem to stop. I even took her to see the musical “Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys.” She thought it was funny, saw herself in it, and still can’t seem to change. Is she the only one like this? How can she stop what she is doing to herself?
I see lots and lots of women and men with this kind of pattern
There’s even a name for it, and
Think back to the last time you watched The Weather Channel or the local weather on the news. Remember how the radar was able to pick up the storms and lock onto them? Well, each of us has an internal radar that picks up and locks in on certain kinds of people.
I call this process our “relationship radar.” If we are lucky, and/or if we have worked at it, our radar picks out people who are potentially good for us, and things work out.
Unfortunately some folks have faulty relationship radar that predictably chooses people who will eventually cause them pain. Here’s what I mean: if your daughter were to go to a party with 100 guys and there were two of them that were her “type”, her faulty relationship radar would pick them out in about five minutes tops. She would even find the other good guys “boring” or just “too nice.”
How many of us know men and women who constantly pick the wrong types? Hell, how many of you are dating the very person you hoped you’d never date? Actually, many of us on here seem very self-aware and prone to not dealing with non-sense.
Read Also
When Dating Becomes a Numbers Game
Art of Charm: Five Ways to Keep Her Interested
The Grown-Up’s Guide to Successful Dating
It's Okay To Be Needy
Why Approaching Women Is Harder Than Any Exam
Relationship Killers That Almost Guarantee a Cheat
How Sensitivity Impacts the Modern Dating Scene
Essential Steps for Women in Dating Uncertainty
Interracial Dating From a Black Man’s Perspective
Double Standards in Dating
Good d*mn job.
Anyway, the concept of the relationship radar got me to thinking about my own. I definitely have had a type. If there was a crazy broad within 3 feet of me, I was attracted to her (assuming she was attractive, ugly attracted broads don’t really do it for me).
And when I say crazy, I mean the chick who swears she won’t get into Heaven without me by her side, which, if you think about it, would further her crazy since we all know I’ve got enough Hell points to ensure that I get to ride a G5 to Hell.
Crazy chicks of all type were running amok in Panama’s City. Word.Life.
At some point I seriously had to re-evaluate what the hell I was doing to attract the looney bin b*tches. I never did figure it out but I did turn up my own insanity that way my uberloon would repel the mediocre crazy broads and keep the chicks who wanted adventure around. I think it suited me well.
Besides I’m Surfboard P, there’s no room in m life for a chick who plays with fire. Literally (I dated one of those too).
So folks, what keeps popping up on your relationship radar – basically, is your sh*t broke? And if it isn’t a good thing what have you done to change that? Even better, does anybody have a radar that only finds GOOD QUALITY? Or are radars generally reserved for the worst case scenarios?
Inquiring minds would like to know.